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Page High Residents Association meetings: June 22nd/24th 2020

Dear Neighbours,

Thanks to all who made it to one of the two 'socially distanced' Residents Association meetings out on the deck this week. Both had good turnouts and there were plenty of topics up for discussion! In addition, two members of our neighbourhood policing team were present for both meetings - they were able to provide insights and reassurances about their position with regards to matters on the estate. What they had to say about patrol levels was encouraging and they were candid about the wider need to improve relations between the community and police in the area and spoke with willing. This can only be welcomed. Catherine West, our MP, also made a representation by way of a message - she has been very good at chasing Sanctuary over the repairs to the lifts and entry door systems and our thanks goes out to her. But it should not have to fall to our MP to do this - the residents should be being listened to and we need to keep applying pressure to them. The topic of widening participation in the Residents Association was also discussed with some good ideas raised. Suggestions from all residents are welcomed going forward.

A meeting will take place between nominated members of the Residents Association and Sanctuary staff on Monday 6th July. This ends a six month gap between these thanks to COVID-19 but it is planned to resume on a monthly basis, using online platform Zoom until such times as face to face meetings can resume.

Minutes of the two meetings this week can be found below.

Stay safe and look after one another.

Nico (Flat 60)


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